7 Authentic Vietnamese-Thai Cookbooks & Recipe Books

Among diverse cuisine of Asia, Thai and Viet culinary have some similarities in between such as the share of rice, noodles, and use of lots of garlic and ginger, for example. Many Vietnamese people love Thai food and vice versa. In Vietnamese cooking, gourmet might find the ingredients and spices imported from Thailand that somehow bring Thai flavors into Viet dishes. If you are a fan of these two countries’ cuisine, let’s check out 7 Vietnamese-Thai cookbooks we introduce in this article.
The Best of Vietnamese & Thai Cooking: Favorite Recipes from Lemon Grass Restaurant and Cafes
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“This is one of five cookbooks I would take wherever I go” – Outinthestudio
As an author who is passionate about the cooking of Vietnamese in specific and Asia in general, Mai Pham has written numerous cookbooks carrying delicious Vietnamese recipes or the mixture with another culture cuisine, so Thai and Vietnamese are one of them. With mouthwatering soups or innovative stir-fries, The Best of Vietnamese & Thai Cooking offers a fascinating memory and recipes of food that was prepared and enjoyed in the Vietnam and Thailand of her childhood.
In this book, readers will find the secrets to prepare the author’s personal favorites and delicious dishes such as Firecracker Prawns, Hot and Spicy Chicken with Lemon Grass, Spicy Red Beef Curry, Crispy Spring Rolls, Spicy Thai Cucumber Salad, Rice Paper-Wrapped Salad Rolls, Vegetarian Pad Thai, Thai Tea and many more.
About the Author: The author of this cookbook is Mai Pham. She was born in Vietnam and raised in Thailand then came to the U.S. with her family in 1975. She has ever worked as a television reporter for several years but decided to pursue her passion for cooking afterward. In this career, Mai is the chef/owner of the acclaimed Lemon Grass Restaurants and Lemon Grass Cafes in Sacramento in California. Besides, she also teaches Southeast Asian cooking for people interested and is the author of several other cookbooks on Vietnamese cuisine and Asia flavors.
Hello! 101 Lemongrass Recipes: Best Lemongrass Cookbook Ever For Beginners
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“Great book focusing on the basic ingredient” – Rosie
Lemongrass is one of the most popular herbs used in both Vietnamese and Thai cuisine, as you can see in famous bun cha of Vietnam and Thai soups. With that similarity, Hello! 101 Lemongrass Recipes is the cookbook you must not skip when it comes to Thai and Vietnamese food.
In this book, you will find 101 recipes of delicious dishes of Thai and Vietnam with simple introductions and nutritious information that beginners could find it easy to apply. Not only that, but readers are also granted another book of Backyard Ideas for Fun and Frolic plus the free PDF version, including a full of photos for every recipe.
About the author: The author of this cookbook is Ms. Ingredient, one of the authors coming from MrandMsCooking.com, a website created by a community of cooking enthusiasts aims at providing books for novice cooks featuring the best recipes with most affordable prices. Ms. Ingredient stands for the cookbooks series of ingredients used in cooking, such as chili powder, rice, egg, mustard, and so on.
150 Best Indian, Thai, Vietnamese and More Slow Cooker Recipes
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“When I got this book, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. Indian, Thai and Vietnamese food tends to be mostly gluten-free anyway, so it’s a good source of gluten-free recipes” – Lisa Mims
As shown in the name, this book features a beautiful array of curry dishes to suit every palate as Indian, Thai, and Vietnam. In finding which to cook this dish, slow cookers seem to be an ideal choice since slow cooking spices allows them to slowly release their essential oils and fragrance while providing economic cuts of meat succulent and tender
In this book, readers will find 40 authentic recipes using ingredients for rice, chickpeas, lentils, beans, and peas found at a local grocery. There are also delicious and creative twists on accompaniments along with slow cooker know-how, such as preparing various types of food for the slow cooker.
About the Author: The author of this cookbook is Sunil Vijayakar, who is a cookbook author and a food stylist working in London, UK. Sunil Vijayakar specializes in food preparation for editorial, packaging, and recipe development.
Asian Paleo: Delicious Gluten-Free Recipes for Authentic Classic Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean and Comfort Food Without Feeling Guilty!
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“I love Asian Cuisine and this is one of the best cuisine books I have ever read. Why? Because it is Asian Paleo, meaning a healthy Asian Cuisine. I can’t wait to try these recipes for me and my family.” – Roberto
Paleo diet is an eating guide that resembles the way ancestors do in ancient times. They eat meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, and avoid processed foods, sugar, soft drinks, grains, most dairy products, legumes, artificial sweeteners, vegetable oils and margarine. As a result, it seems that this kind of diet may come entirely against the fundamental ingredients of authentic Asian cuisines.
However, you’ll discover that the fundamentals of the Paleo diet can be applied in Asian cuisines by preserving the same authentic taste despite the alternatives used. In this book, readers will find the solution for Paleo alternatives to rice which is a staple in Asian cuisine.
Included in this book is the introduction to Asian Cuisines and the Paleo Twist recipes like Paleo and Asian Cuisines: Alternatives to Rice, Chinese Cuisine Recipes, Thai Cuisine Recipes, Vietnamese Cuisine Recipes, and Asian Comfort Food.
About the author: The author of this cookbook is Angelina Dylon, who is a food enthusiast and a best-selling author who is dedicated to helping others get healthy and eat well all around the world. She has spent most of her time and effort on creating accessible, sustainable, and delicious recipe books and health-related books that can be enjoyed by the whole family.
Rice. Noodles. Yum.: Everyone’s Favorite Southeast Asian Dishes
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“Great Asian food to try.” – Kevin C
As a food blogger born and raised in the Philippines, Abigail Raines has traveled extensively throughout Southeast Asian and discovered that noodles and rice are the perfect canvas for the sweet, salty, and spicy flavors of Asian cuisine including Vietnamese and Thai culinary. From here, her inspiration to create this delicious collection of recipes has been developed.
With Rice. Noodles. Yum., readers will be able to re-create the rich flavors of home-style Asian cooking and street food fair by expanding your palate with Curry Noodle Soup with Chicken (Khao Soy Gai) and Filipino-style Paella (Beringhe) or make restaurant favorites like Pad Thai and Pho Bo. Some of the authentic Asian cuisine that becomes staples today, such as compressed rice (Ketupat), dumplings and spring rolls, Vietnamese Grilled Pork with Rice Noodles (Bun Thit Nuong), and Indonesian coconut pancakes (Serabi).
About the Author: The author of this cookbook is Abigail Raines, who is the creator of the food blog Manila Spoon. Born and raised in the Philippines, Abigail Raines traveled far and wide in Southeast Asia to bring its flavors right to readers’ plate. Her recipes have appeared in Taste of Home magazine, The Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, and Delish. Now she lives in Hamden, Connecticut.
Totally Cookbooks: Cooking Flavors from around the World: 6 books in 1 Box Set: Mexican, Polynesian, Indian, Thai, Korean, and Vietnamese
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“Six brilliant book – fantastic collection” – Philip Stevenson
Totally Cookbook is a series covering six cuisines in one set that allows you to bring diverse dishes into your kitchen. Each book features the unique flavors of each nation and tells readers all about local food.
By reading this book set, readers will find the two nations in Asia, Thailand and Vietnam, share many characters, such as the same ingredients that could be used for Vietnamese and Thai cooking. As a result, a combined meal with these two culinary is totally achievable for everyone.
About the author: The author of this cookbook is Sarah Spencer, who lives in Canada. She considers herself an avid gourmet who loves watching the Food Network. She is so passionate about cooking that most of her time is spent creating new recipes, writing cookbooks, and having her own family.
Hello! 365 Thai Recipes: Best Thai Cookbook Ever For Beginners
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“This book is enough for a Thai lover as me” – Lory
Similar to Vietnam, Thailand also has a colorful culinary that travelers must explore whenever visit here. From street food at the street stalls to traditional dishes, there is a wide range of flavors for tourists to enjoy.
Due to that diversity, there are 365 recipes included in this book divided into ten chapters. From appetizers, Thai curry main dishes, Thai chicken main dishes, or several signature topics to Thai dessert, Vietnamese or even anyone who loves the combination of these two nations can find the appearance of similar dishes in Vietnam. Some of them are Spring Rolls, Pad Thai noodles, Thai fried rice, and more.
About the author: The author of this cookbook is Ms. World, one of the authors coming from MrandMsCooking.com, a website created by a community of cooking enthusiasts to provide books for novice cooks featuring the best recipes with most affordable prices. Ms. World stands for the cookbooks series of multi-culture cuisine worldwide, such as Europe, Eastern European, Greek, Italian, Indian, Thai, Japanese, and many other more.
We hope you like this post and finally find out your favorite Vietnamese-Thai cookbooks. Meanwhile, we welcome you to explore our site and discover more cookbook recommendations from the same cuisine below.