5 Authentic Tanzanian Cookbooks & Recipe Books

Tanzania is often known as a country providing pristine beaches of Zanzibar, to name a few, as well as offers many gems for tourists. However, one thing that most people often overlook when they mention Tanzania is food. Tanzanian gastronomy is characterized by simplicity, filling, flavorful, and hearty. Compared to world-renowned cuisines such as Korean, American, French, or Italian, Tanzanian cuisine is still not widely available. As a result, the number of cookbooks that guide traditional Tanzanian cuisine is also limited. Here are 5 beat Tanzanian cookbooks we’ve collected to introduce you to the nation’s signature food recipes right at your home.
Tanzania Cookbook that Makes A Difference – ‘Kilimanjaro Kitchen’
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“The cookbook is beautifully put together. A wonderful addition to any home cook.”- Amazon Customer
This cookbook is a collection of delicious Tanzanian cuisine. Tanzanian students contribute to the recipes in this book. With clear step-by-step instructions, you can easily create a delightful Tanzanian dish without spending too much time.
This is another book created by MAD. One particular thing is that all proceeds from this book will be used to support vulnerable children to school in Tanzania’s Kilimanjaro Region.
Taste of Tanzania: Modern Swahili Recipes for the West
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“This book is amazing and has allowed me to cook foods from my paternal homeland and enjoy the rich flavors of Swahili culture.”- BayBoyCA
You will find over 130 colorful recipes suitable for even those who cook at home. Most of the ingredients in each recipe here are easily found in the grocery store, but the author still gives you some alternatives to things that might be more available in Africa through this book.
About the author: Miriam Kinunda was born in Tanzania. Although she has traveled and studied in several other countries such as Kenya, Canada, and the United States, she has always carried traditional recipes from her home country. Kinunda owns a blog that shares recipes with everyone.
Tanzanian And Kenyan Yummy Delicacies: Tantalizing East African Recipes
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“I like the idea of telling a story, and adding visualization to every recipe (instead of just the listing ingredients), because it makes the food and memory come alive.”- Amazon Customer
Delicious and nutrient food is something everyone loves and wants. This book will learn more about the many tantalizing foods that will add well-being measures to your life. Moreover, all the recipes in this book have been presented in simple cooking methods, clear instructions, and easy follow.
About the author: “Tanzanian And Kenyan Yummy Delicacies: Tantalizing East African Recipes” is the first book of the author Gladys Idza Orakwe. In addition, you can find the German version for this book as ” Tansania und Kenia Leckere Köstlichkeiten.: Ost Afrikanischen Rezepten.”
Afro-Vegan: Farm-Fresh African, Caribbean, and Southern Flavors Remixed [A Cookbook]
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“This was great, the recipes are delicious, the pictures are good, and I was very pleased with it.”- AMY
The book takes you on an international culinary journey with over 100 delicious and modern dishes recorded from Terry’s memories, as well as the food history that has traveled from the African continent.
If you are particularly interested in improving your health, Afro-Vegan Vegan’s groundbreaking recipes will meet these criteria. It will provide innovative, healthy, plant-based global dishes and create a new direction in vegan cooking.
About the author: Bryant Terry is a national leader in the movement to promote healthy eating and the author of The Inspired Vegan and Vegan Soul Kitchen.
Bryant Terry is also the host of Urban Organic, a multi-episode web series he co-created. Bryantien’s work has been published in the New York Times, Gourmet, Essence, Yoga Magazine Food & Wine, O: The Oprah Magazine, and Veg Times, among others. He lives in Oakland, California.
Kilimanjaro Kitchen – Favorite Recipes: Tanzanian Cuisine that Makes A Difference
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“I love the concept behind this cookbook and have enjoyed cooking AND EATING the recipes!”- R. Jensen
“Kilimanjaro Kitchen” brings you a collection of favorite recipes of Tanzanian students. In each method, you’ll be provided with step-by-step instructions on bringing Tanzania straight to your kitchen counter.
You will not need to worry and spend a lot of time choosing dishes for meals because this book is organized into a menu of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.
About the author: Make A Difference Now is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping needy children. They provide many vulnerable children and adolescents with access to quality education around the globe. Make A Difference Now has made a difference in the life quality for children for more than ten years.
This organization is also the author of the “Tanzania Cookbook that Makes A Difference – Kilimanjaro Kitchen” cookbook mentioned below.
We hope you like this post and finally find out your favorite Tanzanian cookbooks. Meanwhile, we welcome you to explore our site and discover more cookbook recommendations from the same cuisine below.