9 Authentic Ivorian Cookbooks & Recipe Books

Ivory Coast is a West African country known for its rich and aromatic cuisine. Ivorian food can be divided into two regional cuisines, Upper Ivory Coast and Lower Ivory Coast. The Upper region is home to the popular dish of “Poulet aux Merveilles,” which is chicken cooked with onions, pepper, garlic, ginger, tomatoes and mushrooms in an orange-flavored sauce. The Lower region’s most famous dish is “Kedjenou de Poulet” or marinated chicken stewed with vegetables in a tomato sauce seasoned liberally with pimente d’Espelette (a red pepper from France) and thyme leaves.
Ivory Coast cuisine is also a mix of French, Lebanese, and indigenous African influences. This combination has resulted in a diverse food culture that shares many similarities with other West African cuisines but also some key differences. Some of the most popular dishes from Ivory Coast including: Marmite du poulet (chicken with tomato sauce), Yassa (chicken stewed in lemon juice and onions), Tiéboudienne (rice served with vegetables).
If you are in the market for a good Ivorian cookbook, then this blog post is perfect for you. There have been many books published about Ivorian cuisine and cooking methods, all of which I have read and reviewed. These reviews will give you some insight on what to expect from each book based on my experience with them.
Cooking Book Ivory Coast
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- 50 Traditional Ivorian recipes
- Enter your own favorite recipes in the blank pages for future reference
- Hand-written recipe on every page, so they are easy to follow and understand!
- Bonus tips from Mes Kar on how to make anything spicey or not spicy
Ivorian cuisine is a blend of French, Chinese and African food. The problem is that it’s very hard to find good recipes for traditional Ivorian dishes like Kedjenou or Calalou in English online.
This cookbook offers you 50 pages of traditional Ivorian recipes such as Kedjenou, Calalou, Avocado and Peanut salad, Melon Fingers with Lime and so on. It also leaves 50 empty pages for you to fill out the newly found recipes on your own.
You can order this book here on Amazon.
African culinary dishes (English): More than 20 typically organic recipes from traditional Ivorian dishes
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- Rich diversity of Ivorian cuisine
- Authentic recipes from a prominent Ivorian culinary chef
- A taste of African culture in your home
- A great story behind the food you are cooking and eating
This is a cookbook that contains more than 20 typically organic recipes from traditional Ivorian dishes.
The cooking recipes are different from each other and you can’t find them on the web or in any book.
If you want to try something new, this is your opportunity! You should give it a shot because these meals will be delicious for sure!
Fofky’s Kitchen: Easy Ivorian Recipes for Traditional and Street Foods
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- Learn about the culture of Ivorian cuisine
- Discover a new perspective on food with tons of different dishes to try
- Easy, quick and healthy recipes are all in this cookbook
- Meet your ancestors while cooking
Most Ivorian cuisine recipes are hard to find. They are either passed down verbally or written in French, which leaves people who do not speak the language at a loss when trying to recreate their favorite dishes.
Papatia Feauxzar has created an easy guide for anyone curious about what Ivorian food is and how it gains recognition across the globe. This cookbook contains easy to follow recipes of traditional dishes and street food that will have you cooking like your ancestors did!
Fofky’s Kitchen is a great resource for anyone interested in learning more about this delicious cuisine from west Africa. It also includes quick and simple recipes that can be made by any level chef!
West African and North African: Taste All of Africa with Delicious African Recipes in an Easy African Cookbook
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- 50+ delicious and easy Ivorian recipes
- The cookbook is very thorough, with simple instructions
- African cooking from around the world
This West-African cuisine is a unique and flavorful blend of foods from many different countries. Many people have had difficulty in finding good recipes for these dishes, so we decided to publish this book with all the authentic recipes you need to prepare delicious West-African meals.
This cookbook contains over 100 easy Ivorian recipes that are simple but very tasty. It offers a great way to introduce your friends and family members into the wonderful world of cooking!
This cookbook has everything you need if you want to learn how to make traditional meals such as Jollof Rice, Fried Plantains, Peanut Soup or Akara (Black Eyed Peas Fritters). All the ingredients used in these recipes can be found at any local grocery store or farmer’s market. You don’t need expensive spices or exotic ingredients like some other books claim they do! So get ready for an adventure into taste bud heaven with this excellent collection of
A Slice of Africa: Exotic West African Cuisines
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- Unleash your inner chef by cooking delicious and nutritious dishes
- Printable recipes for easy reference
- Lot of pictures to illustrate the steps
- Book available in Hardcover or Kindle versions
Ivorian cuisine is one of the most exciting, diverse and delicious cuisines in the world. However, it’s also very different from what you are accustomed to eating. It is often difficult for people to get started cooking it at home because they don’t know where to start.
You will ben taken all the guesswork out of preparing these dishes by presenting them in a way that will make them easy for you to prepare at home with confidence. The recipes are presented in an easy-to-follow format with pictures and instructions so that even a novice cook can follow along easily.
In this book the author present over 60 exotic Ivorian recipes including soups, appetizers, main courses and desserts with step by step instructions on how to prepare each dish right at your own kitchen! This book contains great tasting meals such as Akara (black eyed pea fritters), Jollof Rice, Peanut soup among others…
South of the Sahara: Traditional Cooking from the Lands of West Africa
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- Gives you a glimpse into Ivorian cooking
- Provides easy to follow recipes with clear steps and 70 amazing full-colour photographs for inspiration
- Ideas for buying tropical foods in your area will be included, with sources and tips
- Introduces you to the rich blend of meats, tropical fruit, vegetables, grains, spices and oils that served as the foundation of West African life
The Ivorian cuisine is a blend of tropical fruits, vegetables, meats and spices that are delicious but hard to find in the United States.
This cookbook introduces you to the rich and sultry blend of meats, tropical fruits, vegetables, grains, spices and oils that served as the foundation of West African life for centuries. There are easy to follow recipes with clear steps and 70 full-colour photographs.
With this book you will be able to make traditional dishes like Roast Chicken with Lemon Sauce or Spicy Peanut Soup at home! And if you can’t get your hands on some exotic ingredients just use what’s available locally!
Foods of Sierra Leone and Other West African Countries: A Cookbook
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- Learn about Ivorian cuisine
- Explore the world through food and explore new recipes
- Discover delicious, traditional dishes using unique ingredients
- Eat well with a diverse diet
The problem with most cookbooks is that they are often too technical. They lack the personal touch and do not make you want to go out and try some of those recipes immediately.
This book will teach you how to prepare delicious African dishes in a very simple way while still retaining the authentic taste of each recipe. You will also be able to learn about Western cuisine from this book through its interesting stories on how it was introduced into Africa by European settlers as well as how Africans adapted these new foods into their own traditional cuisines. Finally, this book is written in an informal tone so that anyone can read it without feeling intimidated by complicated cooking terms or instructions.
If you are looking for a good cookbook then look no further than Foods of Sierra Leone and Other West African Countries: A Cookbook because it has everything that one could ask for in a cookbook including easy-to-follow recipes, unique anecdotes on the history of food preparation techniques
The West African Cookbook: Easy Tasty Recipes from Jollof to Suya
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- Reminds readers of the African culture and heritage
- Curries and spices brought from all over Africa
- Completely gluten free, vegan, paleo-friendly and sugar-free recipes
Ivory is a beautiful region with rich culture and history. Unfortunately, the cuisine has been mischaracterized as unhealthy, but this is not true.
The food of Ivory should be celebrated for its diverse flavors and health benefits rather than being stereotyped as only containing fried meat or starch-heavy dishes.
This cookbook reclaims the reputation of Ivorian cuisine by presenting recipes that are both healthy and delicious! These authentic recipes will give you an understanding of how to make these foods at home so that you can share them with your friends and family in a way they’ll love. As well as providing traditional recipes from across the countries in Western Africa like Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria etc., we also explore some regional specialties such as Jollof rice (from Senegal) or Suya (from Nigeria). You don’t have to take our word for it though – try out one of these tasty dishes yourself!
Exotic Nigerian Recipes: An Illustrated Cookbook of West African Dish Ideas!
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- Learn about and prepare delicious dishes from the African continent
- Taste different ethnic flavors (exotic ingredients)
- Tried-and-true recipes that will appeal to all tastes
- Gain insight into a culture that is largely unfamiliar
Today, in the modern world of fast food and instant meals, it’s hard to find time to cook. Most people are too busy to sit down and enjoy a home-cooked meal.
The recipes in this book have been handed down for generations from one generation to another. They are tried and tested by many families across the globe who have enjoyed them over the years. It is our mission at Allie Allen that you can learn how easy it is to prepare these dishes with step-by-step instructions so you can also enjoy them with your family.
This book contains all sorts of recipes which will help you put together a delicious meal no matter what time of day or night that might be! You won’t need any special equipment or ingredients because everything is included right here! We hope that you love these recipes as much as we do!
We hope you like this post and finally find out your favorite Ivorian cookbooks. Meanwhile, we welcome you to explore our site and discover more cookbook recommendations from the same cuisine below.