4 Great Palauan Cookbooks To Help You Enjoy The Cuisine Right From Your Kitchen

The island state of Palau is known for its culinary skill. Palauans love to eat, so it’s no wonder many people (including myself) have a kitchen full of cookbooks! Palau is a veritable melting pot (pardon the pun). Traditional customs, food, and ingredients combined with new dishes from foreign trade and people-to-people diplomacy yield an amazing variety of foods. There are also certain traditional recipes that have been handed down through families from one generation to the next. It’s a great time for aspiring Palauan home cooks and housewives to try their hands at making these dishes.
The rural women of Palau are extremely talented when it comes to cooking. Their secret weapon is the availability of diverse ingredients. As part of my research on Palau, I came across a few cookbooks circulating in Palau. These cookbooks contains hundreds of authentic Palauan recipes that can be shared with everyone around the world.
Do you love eating Palauan cuisine but don’t know how to cook it? Or maybe you’re a Palauan who has never tried cooking his or her own food. Whatever your reason, here is a list of Palauan cookbooks that you can find on Amazon. There are hundreds of Palauan cookbooks for sale on Amazon but not all are the best. Below I list the top 4 bestselling cookbooks that are thoroughly reviewed by consumers. There is a review for each cookbook so you can learn about each book before buying. These are the best selling and highest rated books (4 stars or more).
The Island Kitchen: Recipes from Mauritius and the Indian Ocean
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- • Take a trip to the Indian Ocean without leaving your home
- • Explore different cultures and traditions
- • Gain an understanding of each dish’s history
- • Familiarize yourself with these two islands’ cuisine
For recipes, read “The Island Kitchen: Recipes from Mauritius and the Indian Ocean”
Mauritius and the other islands of the Indian Ocean are a world away from most people’s kitchens.
This book will bring you right into their kitchens, sharing their secrets for delicious food that is easy to make at home.
The Island Kitchen is an authentic cookbook with recipes for every occasion, including snacks and starters; seafood dishes; curries; meat dishes such as lamb curry and chicken roulade; local breads and desserts like rum-soaked fruit cake. There are also tips on how to source ingredients in your own country so that you can enjoy these wonderful flavours too!
Australia: The Cookbook
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- • The cookbook features 350 recipes, with dishes from all over the world and a variety of cultural influences
- • Cooks can explore Australia’s rich flora & fauna by cooking up bush tucker recipes that represent Indigenous Australian foodways.
- The book is written in an informal tone that will appeal to cooks who feel like they already have their hands full
- • Written in such an approachable voice, this cookbook is perfect for novice chefs or those who are more comfortable following a recipe
Australian cuisine is a remarkable fusion of ingredients, ideas and cultures. It has been influenced by the indigenous people who were here for 50,000 years before Europeans arrived; by British settlers — from convicts to aristocrats — who brought their own cooking traditions with them; and then later waves of immigrants from around the world.
But despite this rich history of culinary exploration and assimilation, many Australians are still unaware that they have a unique national cuisine at all. Despite our multicultural heritage we’re not always aware how much Australia has contributed to the global kitchen or how it differs from other cuisines in its use of native produce such as kangaroo tail or quandong (a fruit), or bush tucker like witchetty grubs (caterpillar larvae) which can be found on menus overseas but aren’t often seen back home. The book aims to change that through 350 recipes showcasing the diverse landscape and culture across Australia’s states and territories including Victoria’s
Easy Tiki: A Modern Revival with 60 Recipes
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- • 60 recipes for cocktails, from classics to contemporary creations
- • Step-by-step recipes and easy tips on how to get the best results every time
- • Updated with the latest equipment and techniques
- • The history of tiki in one place and a complete guide to making your home bar feel like a tropical oasis
Tiki drinks are delicious and fun to make, but they can be complicated. The recipes often call for a dozen or more ingredients, and it’s hard to tell which ones you need in advance.
Easy Tiki cuts through the confusion with clear instructions on what’s needed for each drink, plus tips on how much is enough—so you never have too much or not enough of any ingredient. Featuring 60 of the most iconic tiki cocktails from classic Polynesian-style drinks like the Mai Tai to modern classics like Painkiller No. 3, Easy Tiki shows home bartenders that making complex-looking tropical drinks doesn’t have to be complicated at all!
With its streamlined approach and simple visual format, Easy Tiki makes it easy for anyone who loves tiki drinks—from novices just starting out behind the bar to seasoned pros looking for new ideas—to mix up an impressive array of island favorites without breaking a sweat
First We Surf, Then We Eat: Recipes From a Lifetime of Surf Travel
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- • Learn how to make different foods from the world’s best surf destinations
- • Great for those who love cooking and travelling
- • Recipes are easy to follow and complete with photos of the final product
- • Get a mouth-watering, richly flavorful, vivid cookbook
How do you make a surf trip memorable? One way is to cook and eat great food while traveling.
If you’re like most people, your surfing trips are short or last-minute affairs. You don’t have time to learn how to cook new dishes before leaving home. And once on the road, it’s hard to find time for cooking when there’s so much else going on—the waves, the beaches, the restaurants and bars…
First We Surf, Then We Eat was born out of Jim Kempton’s own need for accessible recipes that he could use in his travels around the world. The book features easy-to-follow instructions with full color photos (many taken by Kempton himself). It also includes tips about where to get ingredients abroad and ideas about what kinds of meals work best at different times of day during a surf trip (breakfast tacos after dawn patrol; spicy rice bowls after an afternoon session; fish tacos
We hope you like this post and finally find out your favorite Palauan cookbooks. Meanwhile, we welcome you to explore our site and discover more cookbook recommendations from the same cuisine below.