10 Authentic German Cookbooks & Recipe Books

German cuisine is made up of several different local or regional cuisines and shares many traditions with the neighbors. Shaped by the country’s agricultural traditions and many immigrants, German food is abundant, hearty, and diverse with food markets, wine festivals, beer gardens, food museums, and high-end restaurants. While each of Germany’s regions has its own exquisite and traditional cuisine, people enjoy particular culinary delights throughout the country. In this article, we are delight to introduce you to these 10 best German cookbooks for cooking library addition.
Grandma’s German Cookbook
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“Simple, Delicious Foods Like Grandma Made” – justdeb1107
As shown in the title, this cookbook is loaded with all the recipes from the authors’ German grandma. Here, there are eighty-five classic recipes that a German grandmother serves her family every day. From crispy fried potatoes or steamed dumplings to a creamy jelly roll stuffed with raspberries and more, readers can proudly cook German food for the family or treating guests.
About the Author: The authors of this cookbook are Linn Schmidt and Birgit Hamm. Both are cookbook authors and food lovers who set out to collect and share the recipes, traditions and wisdom of their beloved German grandmothers. Now they reside in Hamburg, Germany.
German Meals at Oma’s: Traditional Dishes for the Home Cook
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“My husband’s family is from Germany and now, I can cook meals he grew up on” – Pi
In each family, grandmas (oma) or mothers are usually cooking every day delicious meal for the family. As a result, they know the traditional dishes the most and hand down the recipes that sometimes you can not find anywhere. Born in Germany and learned how to make tasty meals next to her mother, blogger Gerhild Fulson has perfected her recipes after years and created this fabulous collection covering classic popular dishes from Berlin to Hamburg and everywhere in between. Whether you are in the mood to recall the childhood taste or try a new cuisine, this book can adapt and make it easy to follow with beautiful photos and helpful tips.
About the Author: The author of this cookbook is Gerhild Fulson, the founder of a blog and store for German-inspired cookbooks and gifts named Just Like Oma. She lives in Ontario, Canada. Visit her online at https://www.quick-german-recipes.com/ and https://justlikeoma.store/.
The German Cookbook: A Complete Guide to Mastering Authentic German Cooking
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“Best German cookbook! All the traditional recipes, but some I’d never heard of, too! Delicious!” – Jennifer Guerrero
By traveling extensively throughout Germany fifty years ago, acclaimed food writer Mimi Sheraton has gathered and tested authentic recipes in her own kitchen, making The German Cookbook a classic in its field. In this book, readers will find an authority on German cuisine from delicious soups and entrees to desserts, bread, and the most significant baking specialties in the world. Moreover, suggestions for restaurants at home and tips on ordering traditional fare are also included.
About the Author: The author of this cookbook is Mimi Sheraton, a pioneer food writer and a former restaurant critic for several famous newspapers. Besides writing articles for many magazines, she has written sixteen books, which some of them won some prestigious prizes. Born in Brooklyn, she resides in Greenwich Village.
The Wurst!: The Very Best of German Food
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“Everything I’ve made so far has been delicious!” – Eleanor M.
German cuisine has been undervalued against other European bold like French and Italian for a long time. However, there are ridiculously delicious and super easy-to-prepare dishes of German you might not explore, such as slow-cooked roasts, tasty snacks, hearty salads, moreish desserts, and enriched bread.
About the Author: The author of this cookbook is Otto Wolff, a German-Australia food writer and cook specializing in classic German food. Working and living in Melbourne, Australia, he often travels to Munich for Oktoberfest to drink wheat beer and eat pretzels.
Das Cookbook: German Cooking . . . California Style
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“Love this book. Honestly haven’t had a lot of time to make anything in it yet but the recipe’s definitely reached back to my German heritage while also incorporating some American style dishes!” – JParsons
Drawing on a long time working in different countries, chef and restauranteur Hans Röckenwagner brought up his individuality, innovative dishes, and his craftsmanship in designing and building his restaurants into Das Cookbook. This is a modern German-Californian guidebook sharing tested and perfected recipes for home cooks of Röckenwagner from bread-making, holiday treats, and bar snacks. Moreover, the most popular recipes from his several LA restaurants are also included.
About the Author: The author of this cookbook is Jenn Garbee, a food reporter and editor for numerous publications. Getting a culinary degree from Le Cordon Bleu and working as an expert recipe tester and developer in professional kitchens across Los Angeles. Her other cookbooks are The Fire of Peru: Recipes and Stories from My Peruvian Kitchen and Tomatomania!: A Fresh Approach to Celebrating Tomatoes in the Garden and in the Kitchen.
The co-author of this cookbook is Hans Röckenwagner, a chef and restaurateur with thirty years of experience cooking and baking in Germany, Chicago, Switzerland, and Los Angeles. In the 1980s, his fine-dining restaurant in Santa Monica, Röckenwagner brought him international fame. Now, he is the owner of several LA-area bakery/cafes and a large wholesale bakery.
Luchow’s German Cookbook: The Story And The Favorite Dishes Of America’s Most Famous German Restaurant
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“Happy to find this treasure” – Critter
Luchow’s is America’s most famous German restaurant. In this book, the author shares the story of this German restaurant, with delicious recipes ranging from appetizers, soups, fish &shellfish, poultry &game birds, salad & salad dressings, and beyond. Moreover, the wines, beer, and festivals at Luchow’s are also presented.
About the Author: The author of this cookbook is Jan Mitchell, who revived the respected Lüchow’s and Longchamps restaurants in New York. His homes were in Palm Beach, Fla., and Southampton, N.Y. The other cookbook of him is Cooking a la Longchamps: Good Food, No Nonsense.
Das German Cookbook: Schnitzel, Bratwurst, Strudel and other German Classics
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“Great Cookbook, Also A Great Gift Item!” – Jon Moore
This book contains all about German classics that meet everyone’s demands from discovering German roots or simply love hearty meals and delicious desserts. With recipes of German grandmothers from Oktoberfest classics to comforting carb bombs, readers can Schnitzel, Bratwurst, Sauermagen or Apple Strudels and more are totally achievable.
About the Author: The author of this cookbook is Franz Schulmeister. Born and raised in German, he grew up eating traditional German food and pass the proven recipes of German grandmothers in this cookbook.
Strudel, Noodles and Dumplings: The New Taste of German Cooking
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“Great german recipes” – Leyla
This book is a celebration of modern German home cooking from Anja Dunk’s young family kitchen. With the vibrant, quick, honest, and deeply twisting seasons and the weather cooking style, Anja Dunk’s German food is gently smoky, spiced, and deeply savory. In this book, readers are offered over 200 recipes for the daily family table and special occasions.
About the Author: The author of this cookbook is Anja Dunk, a freelance cook mainly for large events and parties. Born in a German-Welsh family, she spent her childhood most in Wales but also in Germany and South East Asia. Her passion for food came from her home but actually grew since working in cafes and restaurants over the years. Her other cookbook is Do Preserve on making your own jams, chutneys, pickles, and cordials. Besides, she also runs small, preserving workshops.
German Cookbook: Traditional Recipes (Englischsprachige Bücher)
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“good everday recipe book for german dishes” – sfw
With this book in hand, home cooks can surprise the family and friends with traditional German recipes. No need to finding recipes in German for authenticity and real taste, readers can trust this English written cookbook for delicious German recipes and even bring them out into the world.
About the Author: The author of this cookbook is Dr. Oetker. He is the author of several cookbooks, including Dr. Oetker: German Baking Today: The Original and different German edition recipe books.
Culinaria Germany: A Celebration of Food and Tradition
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“Couldn’t agree more” – Doris F. Russ
As shown in the title, Culinaria Germany is presenting the most popular recipes from every corner of the country in 380 compact pages. With detailed and thoroughly illustrated reports showing the food in the making, readers are invited to cook their way through each of Germany’s sixteen regions. Also, extensive background information on traditional specialties, ingredients, and preparation are also provided.
About the Author: The author of this cookbook is Christine Metzger, a freelance journalist for daily magazines, newspapers, and radio. Also, she authored numerous books.
We hope you like this post and finally find out your favorite German cookbooks. Meanwhile, we welcome you to explore our site and discover more cookbook recommendations from the same cuisine below.